Yvet Brummelhuis

My name is Yvet and I am a consultant in the field of new ways of working. With my background in Facility Management, I have always been interested in the built environment. But it only gets interesting when we look at its user as well. What do they need to work well? To stay healthy and happy? To be productive?

The question often sounds a lot easier than the answer is, and that’s where I come in. Before joining team YNNO, I worked as an entrepreneur for many years. If I learned anything from that, it’s that perseverance, creativity and honesty often get you far. All three are also indispensable in my role as project or program manager. Projects range from working out workplace concepts to housing strategies and everything in between. The more complex the situation, the more fun it is for me.

The thing I like most about the projects we get to do is finding the connection between people. Connecting the right people, “the right people in the right place,” and motivating and enthusing people. I am also convinced that this is how you achieve the best results, because at the end of the day, of course, the goal is to make myself redundant and create a rock-solid foundation for the future!

Yvet Brummelhuis
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