Marcel van Gent

My name is Marcel van Gent and since November 1st, 2021 I am working at YNNO as a principal consultant in the field of digital working.

I am an experienced project and program manager with experience in various industries. Including business services, healthcare and government. From the goal driven perspective, I always look for the best suitable methodology and realization of a project/program. Collaboration based on relationship and being able to trust each other typifies my personality.

“There is nothing as changeable as people. But change turns out to be quite difficult”

Besides my broad experience as a project and program manager, I have also experience with the role of ICT manager. Building together on a strong ICT department with the goal of achieving maximum service from ICT and maximum support for the primary process. Does this happen automatically? No, often not. Setting up systems and establishing policies leads to a good basic principle. However, people also need to see the usefulness of reforms/revisions.

I see these needs, I am politically sensitive and speak the language of all levels of an organization. As a person I am pragmatic and work with you to arrive at the best solution. Analytically strong and thinking in solutions instead of problems characterizes me. Especially the emphasis on together and the best fitting solution, I am a connector and seek dialogue and direction so that we always look back on a project with a good feeling.

Marcel van Gent
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