Marloes Wientjes

My name is Marloes Wientjes. As housing & workplace consultant at YNNO, I get excited by complex housing issues where people are the central point. For example, I am convinced that a built environment can optimally facilitate people in their work, whereby I like to look at productivity and efficiency of the work but certainly also at factors such as work happiness and connection.

My academic background is in Facility Management and Real Estate Management. Before my position at YNNO, I worked in the consulting industry, where I had the opportunity to gain experience in various housing-related projects. The combination of my studies and the work experience already gained form a good basis which I would like to expand further at YNNO.

Within a project I am a team player. Within such a team I like to assume the role of connector, which allows me to actively contribute to the process.

Marloes Wientjes
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